The sin-eater is a traditional British mystic who absolves the dying by assuming the burden of their sins. After a bit of food is placed on the breast of a dying person, the sin-eater prays and performs certain rituals, removes the food and consumes it. All sin is thereby transfered to the eater, giving absolution to the dying. This act is considered a cardinal sin by the Catholic Church because it purports to provide absolution without the necessity of a priest as intermeidary to God. Traditionally, the penalty for a cardinal sin is excommunication, while the penalty for graffiti is only a misdemeanor fine.

yes. yes. awesome. where did you fine this?
A wall in mid-town Memphis is the home of this stencil tag, thanks to the unknown artist for his/her contribution.
cool. Thanks. I love how you attached history to it. I wonder if the bloke new that?
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