Upset. Steaming. Not beaming while gleaming the fruits of our countries labor. Our countries slave labor. I eat on the cheap. I'm in it deep. Drive through, instants. Drive through, cravings. Paving the path of another indigents sufferings.
Let them break their backs. Let them sleep three to a bed. Let them eat cake. Work Visa Lisa cleans for you while you sit in your cubicle mouse clicking, calorie counting your heaven. Air is a glaring. Baring down the exercise you get from walking to and from the bathroom. As the work that you would not want to do gets done everyday. Unnoticed. Unappreciated.
The cock roaches come in through the cracks in our countries floor. They eat the garbage that we throw away at night. Crumbs on the counter. Crumbs under our door. I hear them but don't see them. Don't see how many of them are packed in under my house waiting for a chance for our door to open and welcome them in to our family.
As the president says these are good cock roaches working hard. If only they had a crumb they could feed their cock roach families of which are growing at a rapid rate and could easily take lazy cock roaches out of their cock roach jobs.
They have been here forever. We stole their land from them. They had to go in hiding. Now we dangle our cock roach cheese in front of their cock roach mouths. Let them do the work that we don't want to do. Let them have all the freedoms we take for granted. Open our doors. Feed them our crumbs. Or spray them with Raid and quit talking about it. Do you want to work like a cock roach?
thanks Vallario.
I deleted the previous comment because I was adding to the discussion. I in fact do not know enough to voice an educated opinion on the subject of cock roaches. I know we do get an exterminator to come out every few months and it has done wonders.
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