I did a nip tuck to my web site. Check it out if you
ge time. It's not totally different, but a bit cleaner.
Same navigation. I would love your feedback.
ge time. It's not totally different, but a bit cleaner.
Same navigation. I would love your feedback.
I like it. A lot. I haven't seen some of that work before. Is it because it's new to the site or just easier to find? In your interview, you should talk about the primal feeling you get while painting. A caveman quote might fit nicely after the 2001 reference. Good job Byron.
Thanks man. All that work has been on there except for the new paintings. So I guess easier to find. And I didn't change much either. A complete redesign is most likely what it needs.
I didn't know any cavemen were ever quoted, but if you know of any I would definitely use one.
What's up with your painting you said you started? I know I'm still sitting on Mr. Apathy. Tell you what. You show me the finished painting and I'll finish Mr. Apathy.
That will give me motivation. I just feel so apathetic about the whole thing.
In case you want to quote a caveman: http://snltranscripts.jt.org/91/91gcaveman.phtml
Oh, it's on...
Lucky, you funny man.
What I meant was a King quote like our conversation the other day. How you feel like a caveman with sticks and sand. That's a great description.
I'm just a caveman. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me!
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