Saturday, March 25, 2006

Weather Report

Blowing wind. This weekend. Cold and breezy with a 100% chance of chill. To the bone.

Phone home when you get a chance. So we can advance our plans of the future. Of the creature comforts we seek and will find.

Find you miles away. But mentally close to my thoughts. To my interests. Invested and saved. Closely watched and cherished. Always.


Byron said...

The video is by Kana.


Anonymous said...

Nana would like to comment:
"Sweater bought in the late 60's comes to life."
Also: She just wrote a description for a house she listed (she's a realtor)using the phrase, "creature comforts long forgotten". She thought that was a creepy coincidence.
Also: "I'll tell ya, he gets into my past doesn't he?"