In Old Testament times, the Lord God brought Abraham forth and said unto him: "Look now toward heaven and count the stars, if thou be able to number them; so shall thy seed be." Genesis 15:5. The world's population recently reached 6,607,027,919 and is growing at a rate of approximately 3 people per second. By contrast, there are an estimated 70 sextillian stars in the known universe -- 10 times the total number of grains of sand on all of the beaches and deserts on the planet.

Amazing to think that we know our place in the universe to such an extent. Perhaps we are alone in this knowledge. Perhaps there are sextillions of other beings with this ability. I am thankful I am one.
damn bra. where do you get your facts at. I feel like your are Data from Star Trek. It's odd, and strange and I love it.
Gotta thank Google for the facts. I thought about linking to some source material, but didn't actually do it. It's sort of a free association exercise to look at an image and come up with both an imagined historical context and a modern correlative. Kinda fun and, hopefully, at least a little thought provoking . . .
God bless Google. Let there be light. Let there be google.
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