The ubiquitous smiley face seen here is based on a design created circa 1963 by Harvey Ball, a graphic designer from Worchester, Massachusetts who was asked to come up with the central image for a "friendship campaign" intended to ease internal tensions following the merger of two insurance companies. Recently, the borg group merged with a new politically minded personality and internal tensions have begun to run high. So much so that at least one early contributor has departed. Others have grown silent. Where is Harvey when we need him?

Beautiful. (Whipes tear from eye.) I'm with you Lucky. Let's agree to disagree and get back to random entries. Vallario is still here. If not, then it's unfortunate. His philosophical ramblings will be missed. It's a shame that some can't listen to others point of view. We're in such a hot political climate right now that it's too easy to judge on one simple question. And I do believe that it's become a trend, especially among our generation, to dismiss Bush, Fox News, and all the nondissenters as idiots. I've lost friends because I won't join in on the bashing but I've never been one to compromise to fit in. Hell, I know I lean a little right. My opinion is that it's the idealistic vs. the realistic. But I don't leave the room because everyone I know thinks our president is dumb. I voice my opinion and they leave. I won't lie though. It does get me hot sometimes. So I'm learning when to keep my opinions to myself, and Borg is not the place. Anything goes here. There are no rules. And I'm glad I'm not the only realistic one here. I learn from everyone, even those I agree with. So Mr. Marley, Mr. King, Mr. Lee and Mr. King, let's talk politics, sex, drugs, and rock and/or roll. That goes for you too, Mr. Akbar.
hey guys. I'm still hear, but i'm out of the loop this week. taking a class all week, and only have a bit of time to read the blog and not really contribute. don't worry. i'll be back. thanks for carrying the torch.
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